The girls dad was very generous for this fundraiser, so the girls got to enjoy the fruits of that this week! On Wednesday they each got to sit at a special party lunch table with music and popsicles on the stage! Then today was the oh so exciting Glow Party!
The students that raised a certain amount of money got to leave class and come to the gym with all the windows blacked out, get glow in the dark necklaces and bracelets and got to party in all the strobe lights! They had a dance party, played fun games like bowling, fishing, hula hoops, and got popsicles again! They even got to meet a real American Ninja Warrior, Sam Sann who was there to sign autographs.
Both girls had a blast! Riley was beyond delighted with all the energy and fun around her! She was so busy I couldn't even get a picture of her. And I'm certain both girls cheeks must have hurt from smiling so much!
I was smiling too because I was standing with Keagan and some of her friends when Riley came in the gym. Keags went straight to Riley and was so happy to see her. She gave her such a big hug that she picked her up off the ground! I almost didn't go help with the party but I'm sure glad I didn't miss seeing that!
Well done Brill PTO! We loved it!

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