It's been a rare one for me the last couple of days. I am SUPER grumpy! Which is SUPER rare. And no mater what I do I can't seem to snap out of it. I have even invested my emotional needs in good food like I do so well. And that didn't even work! That's when you know it's bad! My sister suggested today that I wear a warning label. I'm hoping she will craft me up one.
I'm just exhausted. Sound familiar? I have my stupid auto immune rash on my leg which requires prescription strength Benadryl and a steroid. So that may be our first problem. Second problem is I'm a single mom! Exhaustion is par for the course on that front! And third, I have a gazillion (actual number, don't fight me) things going on and a to do list longer then Rapunzel's hair!
But then my babies fall asleep and my head clears a little, despite all the meds I'm on, even in all my grumpiness, I think the same thing I do almost every night. I do all the work, but that means I get all the blessings! And blessings from the two cutest six year olds that the great state of Texas has ever seen makes it all worth it!

It may not help me snap out of grumpy for a couple more days though. So don't say I didn't warn ya!
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