My poison ivy has mostly disappeared! This is a huge victory over a brutal beast that I'm pretty sure will leave my legs permanently scarred. Curse you stupid leaves of three!
The girls have such cute friends! Keagan absolutely loved Mathesons science birthday party today!

On Thursday I was able to reconnect and have a fantastic time with my old friend! The girls and I made the hour and a half trip each way to meet "Blinx" half way in College Station for dinner. It's been since Hawaii in 2005 that we've seen each other. It was so fun! And it left me very thankful for a GPS and a DVD player in my car!

The weather is absolutely gorgeous! It just makes me happy. And I think the cooler nights are helping all of us get more sleep! That's huge!
And finally, I am SO grateful the yearly pictures/Christmas card pics are done after today! Hallelujah! I love the final product, but hate the process to get these pics.

The wagons not in the pics but it sure was cute watching Keags pull Riley around as they both giggled! How cute are my babies?! Now that alone could count for all of the top 5!

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