On the way home from Surfside beach on Monday I had a car full of giggling, screaming, sun kissed girls plus Miss Heather and I. At one point I heard Keagan over all the noise say “ I wish we had 7 Elevens in Houston so we could go there for our 11th birthday!” That caused me to have a little moment to myself where everything was quiet and I sat in awe that my babies were actually 11 years old! 11 years went by so fast but were also so full of so many amazing memories and lots of struggles too. It’s been the best 11 years of my life!
We started the birthday celebrations on Sunday. After church the girls convinced me to let them open their gifts early. I absolutely love giving them gifts so they didn’t twist my arm very hard! Both girls got their Halloween costumes like we do every year, the roller skates they were dying for, a board game and another few gifts. They were also thrilled with their gifts from their dad which was a go pro like camera for Keags and a big Ryan’s World mystery box for Riley.
Then I made all their favorite foods for a big family dinner! We had cream cheese chicken, Asian chopped salad, strawberries and green beans. And we had the best company! The Fosters, Nana, Reagan, Hudson, Gramas, Coach, and auntie Jenn who we were lucky enough was in town all made it such a fun night! Side note Mrs Taryn was out of town. After dinner we sang to each girl separately like we always do and they blew the candles out on their own cakes. I got Keagan an Olaf cake since she is playing Olaf in her current musical and Riley a red Paw Patrol cake, her two favorites!
After cake and ice cream I righted a wrong I had committed and saved a major mom fail. Earlier in the week Keagan informed me that her and Riley had never done a piñata before! I had to fix that! So Addie and Coach helped us hang a cute emoji piñata and each girl had several turns at it. Keagan helped Riley as Riley giggled and then Keags finally took her blind fold off and went to work on it! So fun!
On Monday morning we were up bright and early for a birthday trip to the beach like the girls unanimously begged for! It was perfect that they happened to have school off for their birthday! We had a car full of some of their besties with Avery, Claire and Calli! And it was even way more fun that all those families joined us too! The first hour we were there the weather was a little iffy and we spent 25 minutes all huddled under the pop up tents as it poured rain around us. But even that was fun as we all ate our lunch and laughed at the situation! Then the clouds parted and we had so much fun at Surfside! It ended up being a blast and the perfect simple birthday celebration for these darling girls!
Oh these sweet babies of mine! In 11 years they have come so far, we have come so far together! They are definitely my life’s greatest blessing and I thank the Lord for them every morning and every night! It’s been an incredible 11 years and I can’t wait to do many, many more years with them and see how they each live their lives and how they each change the world! Hopefully it just doesn’t go too fast!
Happy 11th birthday Keagan and Riley!

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