I have SO much to do today and I just can not get myself to do a single bit of it. Sometimes your body screams at you that enough is enough. Today is that day. But let’s talk about what we did do this week in order to redeem myself from laying on the couch all day today! On Monday I had to work half a day but the girls didn’t have school. While I was busy the girls were so lucky to get to hang out with Grandma Linda! Man she is wonderful! After I got off work, we picked up Lauren and Izzy and went to Palava to play miniature golf, laser tag, air hockey, video games and on the playground for hours. The girls had a blast!
Tuesdays are our busy days with choir before school and DPAC musical theater rehearsal for both girls after school. Of course this is Keagans happy place and Riley is loving her rehearsals just as much! I also had a parent/teacher conference to discuss that darling Keagan and some STARR accommodations that she really needs. Man I HATE standardized tests but I love these cute girlies ready for DPAC!
Wednesday morning the 4th grade members of running club had won a soup can drive contest so they got to come early to school for a fun morning with the best PE coach’s ever Coach Fox and Coach McKenzie! Keagan has dyslexia tutoring every morning before school with the wonderful Mrs Goolsbee so she had to leave early but it sure was fun!
Thursday was a REALLY big day and one that we had be preparing for! First up was our annual Mahaffey multi cultural parade. This year the girls picked their Chinese heritage to celebrate. Isn’t it so beautiful that they have so many cultures to chose from? Their dad and Grandma Debbie went to china town in Hawaii and got them the greatest puppets to carry representing the traditional Chinese lion dance that is supposed to bring good luck and fortune. I got them traditional Chinese dresses and they looked absolutely gorgeous! And as always Riley thought the entire parade was just for her! It was so much fun!
With Noah and Phoebe

With Audrey

With Miss Tonna

With Mrs Goolsbee

With Audrey
With Miss Tonna
With Mrs Goolsbee
All parade participants!

Thursday afternoon was a very incredible experience for Keagan! The week before Mrs Mason and Mrs Hernandez asked Keagan to be apart of something that was a pretty big deal for our school district. Klein ISD is in the finals of a big award from HEB for best school district in Texas. The 5 judges came to our school district on Thursday and Keagan was asked to be one of two students to eat lunch with the judges! I took her to Klein Forest where the high school culinary students set up and prepared a beautiful lunch for the 5 judges, our superintendent Dr Champion, our associate superintendent, one principal for the district, one teacher, one counselor, one parent, an 8th grade girl named Nadia from Kleb and Keagan who represented elementary students! We had been preparing for a week by studying our district vision of Promise to Purpose and Profile of a Learner. After Todd gave Keagan a priesthood blessing Wednesday night, she was more then ready! She was a little nervous once she got there and I helped her get her lunch and sit down before I had to wait in another area of the school for the 2 hour lunch! Dr Champion himself said she was absolutely wonderful and in good news she was way over prepared! She had to introduce herself and they only asked her one question. It was “if you had a friend moving here from Dallas what would you tell them about Klein ISD?” Her answer was first that we have the most kind, caring and hard working teachers and then that Klein ISD provides so many opportunities to help you learn and grow. She went on to talk about student council, culture for caring, community circles, choir, running club and more! The associate superintendent said her joyful smile spoke volumes! I am incredibly proud of Keagan for accepting a challenge, working hard to prepare for it and learning from this! What a great opportunity that we are thankful she was able to be apart of! Hopefully we win!
Thursday afternoon was a very incredible experience for Keagan! The week before Mrs Mason and Mrs Hernandez asked Keagan to be apart of something that was a pretty big deal for our school district. Klein ISD is in the finals of a big award from HEB for best school district in Texas. The 5 judges came to our school district on Thursday and Keagan was asked to be one of two students to eat lunch with the judges! I took her to Klein Forest where the high school culinary students set up and prepared a beautiful lunch for the 5 judges, our superintendent Dr Champion, our associate superintendent, one principal for the district, one teacher, one counselor, one parent, an 8th grade girl named Nadia from Kleb and Keagan who represented elementary students! We had been preparing for a week by studying our district vision of Promise to Purpose and Profile of a Learner. After Todd gave Keagan a priesthood blessing Wednesday night, she was more then ready! She was a little nervous once she got there and I helped her get her lunch and sit down before I had to wait in another area of the school for the 2 hour lunch! Dr Champion himself said she was absolutely wonderful and in good news she was way over prepared! She had to introduce herself and they only asked her one question. It was “if you had a friend moving here from Dallas what would you tell them about Klein ISD?” Her answer was first that we have the most kind, caring and hard working teachers and then that Klein ISD provides so many opportunities to help you learn and grow. She went on to talk about student council, culture for caring, community circles, choir, running club and more! The associate superintendent said her joyful smile spoke volumes! I am incredibly proud of Keagan for accepting a challenge, working hard to prepare for it and learning from this! What a great opportunity that we are thankful she was able to be apart of! Hopefully we win!
With our old principal Mrs Hernandez
With Mrs Hernandez and her 2nd grade teacher Mrs Yancey
Getting the VIP tour of Klein Forest from Mr Alexander!
Chatting with the superintendent and associate superintendent.
Tour of the kitchen

With Nadia

Meanwhile Riley was at school with Mrs Acosta who VERY deservingly is the Rookie Teacher of the Year because she is SO amazing, learning all about our historical presidents! I can barely stand how cute how cute she is in her George Washington hat!

Thursday night was Open House at school where we got to play lots of math and science games and see some of the girls work.
With Nadia
Meanwhile Riley was at school with Mrs Acosta who VERY deservingly is the Rookie Teacher of the Year because she is SO amazing, learning all about our historical presidents! I can barely stand how cute how cute she is in her George Washington hat!
Thursday night was Open House at school where we got to play lots of math and science games and see some of the girls work.
With Mrs DiCarlo!
And Friday was another very fun but very exhausting day! It was finally time for the big Boosterthon Fun Run fundraiser that our school has been working on for two weeks! The girls have been asking for pledges and earning prizes for two weeks in order to help this fundraiser which was raising money for playground equipment and field trips! We had lots of generous donations and Keagan and Riley each raised $230 dollars to the school grand total of over $31,000! Big thanks to Aunt Vicki, Aunt Kari, Nana, Grandma Debbie, their dad and Auntie Mona for donating! The rain outside caused the actual run to move inside but it was still so much fun with music, dancing, cheering, glowing and disco lights and lots of supporters! Riley surpassed her goal by running 35 laps and Keagan wore herself out by running 52 laps! I LOVED cheering them on with all of 4th grade and was once again reminded how blessed I am to not miss much of my babies lives! Riley also got to go again with just the two developmental classes who did a fantastic job and just about made my heart burst! Boosterthon was a huge success!
Excited about her shirt with Miss Allison
With Avery
With Trey, Avery, Noah and Duncan
With Mrs Ann
Dancing with Coach Fox!

Running with Coach McKenzie!

Getting her lap marked

Running with their team flag- Team Red for Riley’s class, Goolsbee’s Gladiators for Keagans class

Running with Coach McKenzie!
Getting her lap marked
Running with their team flag- Team Red for Riley’s class, Goolsbee’s Gladiators for Keagans class
The after school girl squad! Phoebe, Kaylee, Lauren, Riley, Keags and Avery

We sure love the Flores family!

My favorite!

And then finally last night we took Avery with us to a unity activity for Young Women’s at Texas Cheer. The girls played SO hard running, jumping, flipping and more! And I seriously have no idea how they were still going after such a long day when I could barely put one foot in front of the other! I was too tired to really take pictures which y’all know is a shocker for me! By the time we left there, got everyone home, showered and in bed it was 11pm! Yowzer!

Everyone should know that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE our life! But it is EXHAUSTING!! So all this momma needs is a break! SO bad! But that is nearly impossible I’m afraid. By forgetting all my responsibilities today and laying on the couch, you should see what my house looks like and the guilt in my heart for not doing what I was supposed to! I’m not quite sure it has been worth it. I really just need the whole world and everyone in it to freeze for a week so I can relax and sleep! A momma can dream. Otherwise this is me today....237% tired!
We sure love the Flores family!
My favorite!
And then finally last night we took Avery with us to a unity activity for Young Women’s at Texas Cheer. The girls played SO hard running, jumping, flipping and more! And I seriously have no idea how they were still going after such a long day when I could barely put one foot in front of the other! I was too tired to really take pictures which y’all know is a shocker for me! By the time we left there, got everyone home, showered and in bed it was 11pm! Yowzer!
Everyone should know that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE our life! But it is EXHAUSTING!! So all this momma needs is a break! SO bad! But that is nearly impossible I’m afraid. By forgetting all my responsibilities today and laying on the couch, you should see what my house looks like and the guilt in my heart for not doing what I was supposed to! I’m not quite sure it has been worth it. I really just need the whole world and everyone in it to freeze for a week so I can relax and sleep! A momma can dream. Otherwise this is me today....237% tired!
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