When I returned to work from Thanksgiving, my friend Lily had a very interesting comment for me. She said “you know how there are some people’s social media profiles that you look at and you are jealous of their life?” Of course I knew exactly what she was talking about, we all do. And I was ready to respond with a list of the things in my life that are really hard that she would never be jealous of. But she continued with “well I am jealous of your posts because your life is SO full of love!” Until then I had never labeled my life that way but my insightful friend was SO right! It’s the reason I selected the Christmas cards I did that said “Christmas Love” as their message and the reason why despite all the hard that my life is so beautiful and fulfilling! It is a life full of the very special love that my girls and I share, the love that is showered on us by the incredible village we have surrounding us of family, friends who are like family, our church family, our school family, and truly friends all over the world! The three Kikuchi girls love, and we love hard! Plus we are so loved! So it’s no surprise to me at all that we had such a joyful Christmas this year full of...you guessed it...love.
Living with my mom, we have the easiest house in the family to host family gatherings. Years ago having everyone over used to stress me out immensely! But slowly over the years I have relaxed and lowered the expectations I put on myself about it and this year I absolutely adored our Christmas Eve celebration! I made lots of food assignments and even bought the rolls and the scalloped potatoes from Costco. So with minimal work of setting up tables and prepping we had a day to enjoy! The girls and I took that extra time to sit down together (at the kitchen table that was moved to the entry for dinner), listen to Christmas music and build gingerbread houses! It was seriously SO much fun, especially because I hot glued the houses together to eliminate the hard steps! Both girls took the creative task very seriously and we sat for almost 2 hours enjoying each other’s company! Their two final products look very different but we all had an equally great time!

Our actual Christmas Eve turned out to seriously be an outstanding night! The Texas Ginns (who were so festively dressed), the Fosters (including Sami who is home), and the French’s came over. Everyone brought the most delicious food and the best moods! After the most yummy dinner we did our traditional nativity songs and reading with our nativity masks. It was really so sweet and not even a teenager complained! Then we got down to business with the games that had so many of our tummies hurting because we laughed SO hard! We played King of Christmas with wrapping paper. Keagan was thrilled to win the first two rounds and then Reagan and Riley as a team won the third round and I’m seriously not sure I have ever seen Riley so excited! The girl squealed, cheered, kicked, raised her hands in victory and even took a victory lap insisting on high fives from every single person! It was amazing! Then we competed for quite a while in head, shoulders, knees and cups which spurred quite the wrestling match between Kennedy and Kellie, sibling and parent/child rivalry at its finest, me nearly peeing my pants, Todd putting on Kirks amazing Christmas Story bunny suit and a ridiculous amount of laughter! We ended the night together with yummy desserts, a puppet show from Keagan and Campbell, gifts for everyone from Nana and lots more stories and laughs!

SO sad I didn’t make the Fosters take a family picture too!
Keagan was up Christmas morning by 8 but played nicely until we woke Riley up at 9. A fun Christmas morning followed full of way too many presents but the right amount of gratitude! Santa brought Riley a dancing Mickey Mouse and a Mickey steering wheel. He brought Keagan Mario Kart for her Nintendo Switch and turquoise Heelys which unfortunately are too small. Santa feels bad about that and we’ve already emailed about replacing them. Mommy gave the girls bow and arrows, the cutest jackets, scarfs and ear muffs as requested, games like mancala, a Buddhist water board for Riley to paint like she loves to at school, Keagans requested snorkeling set and a few more. Their dad got Keagan an iPad and case plus a candy making set and Riley two beautiful princess dresses, a real tiara and kinetic sand! The girls were also spoiled by Grandma Debbie, Uncle Brandon and Ty, Nana, Grama Linda and of course Sa had already done her traditional 12 days of Christmas for them! Their stockings were also stuffed full of things they loved like fancy Chinese fans, fake snow, whoppie cushions and personalized wallets!
Merry Christmas and a whole lotta love from the Kikuchi girls!