On Friday we had great down time together including watching “Hop”, our typical cuddle/laugh/wrestle/tease routine and dying Easter Eggs which all three of us love! Having Nana join us again this year made it even sweeter! Then because Nana herself had so much fun, after the eggs she offered to watch the girls for an hour while I took a crazy seasonal allergy induced nap! What an unexpected and heavenly surprise blessing! Then we went to the French’s for dinner, lots more laughing and lots more fun til way past our bed time. No surprise there!
On Saturday the girls set up several Easter egg hunts for each other with our confetti eggs that are so fun! It was cute to see how excited both of them were!
After quite the epic grocery store trip for Keagan and I that reminded me why I love curbside pickup so much, we had an incredibly fun night. For dinner we met the Lakes at the park. It was perfect weather and the kids all play so great together! And of course there were more confetti eggs and more hunts. Then we all went across the street to the tire park where we met Mrs Taryn and the cute Monson crew. We all played hard way into the dark and shut the park down with a bang on a fun beautiful night!

Despite getting home from the park late, Keagan was determined to clean up for the Easter bunny and left him his carrots and a cute note. I know he appreciated that and left both girls spoiled again for Easter. Besides all the yummy treats, huge shout out to recese peanut butter eggs, the big man left new glitter shoes, kites, mermaid bracelets, and a Star Wars nightgown for Keagan and a Little Mermaid costume for Riley! But girls were so excited and thankful so I may have let them slip in some chocolate for breakfast!
Despite getting home from the park late, Keagan was determined to clean up for the Easter bunny and left him his carrots and a cute note. I know he appreciated that and left both girls spoiled again for Easter. Besides all the yummy treats, huge shout out to recese peanut butter eggs, the big man left new glitter shoes, kites, mermaid bracelets, and a Star Wars nightgown for Keagan and a Little Mermaid costume for Riley! But girls were so excited and thankful so I may have let them slip in some chocolate for breakfast!
Since Easter Sunday happens to fall on the first Sunday in April, it was also General Conference Sunday. I usually like these two beautiful and incredibly occasions to be separate so we can enjoy them both individually, but wow did some amazing Christ centered testimonies and lessons come out of conference today from our prophet and apostles! A lot of big announcements happened and my love for our new prophet President Nelson grew immensely as did my testimony of Christ! And that is a wonderful thing for Easter Sunday! The girls did an on and off job of listening to conference so when Riley was having one of her tantrums and I was ignoring her, where Keagan was taking notes on Conferenxe she wrote “and now mommy doesn’t even care about me and Riley!” But she also drew the most darling picture of President Nelson! I was incredibly blessed and enriched by all the messages given, especially ones that weren’t interrupted by Riley’s cries! I am not above bribery and had made big conference activity pages binders and had the topic candy bowl game out for endless treats!
After conference closed we quickly got ready to have everyone including Fosters, Houston Ginns and French’s over for Easter dinner. We had way to much yummy food, lots of laughter and discussion, a game to tell the Easter story and I even accomplished my goal of getting someone to do the Bunny Hop! Keagan pulled her fake iPhone gift with several people for April Gools day and I hid the 74 Easter eggs Keagan had filled herself to assure we would keep tradition and have an Easter egg hunt! It made me smile how into the hunt all three girls were and how much fun they have together!
After all this goodness I am left feeling rested, blessed and very thankful! And I am most thankful for the news that my Lord and King is Risen! And because He lives death hath no sting, I can repent and have hope and my family can be together forever! How could that knowledge and that reminder not fill my bucket?! I am truly blessed! Happy Easter!
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