Riley lost tooth number 4 and now she's got a serious gaping hole front and center. It's making eating even more difficult then usual.

The girls are absolutely LOVING VBS at Faithbridge every morning this week! These Mormons love singing, learning and playing with those Methodists! Rocking out and dancing to Jesus jams is a great way to start out the summer! This years theme is "Everest" and they are learning they can conquer life's challenges with God's power!

Sweet sisters!

Keagan has spent a really big chunk of time at the kitchen table creating lots of different things with her Legos. I love that they have "girly" Legos now! Maybe this gorgeous girl will be an engineer!

When she was not playing with Legos, the girls have also played nicely together in the afternoons. Most of the time that is.

And we all three had a great time swimming this afternoon!

The Fosters and the Frenchs are all out of town thanks to Girls Camp. With VBS in the mornings and mellow afternoons we are really just easing into the thick of summer. Next week will be our first real week of late mornings (in my dreams), at least lazy mornings, entertaining all day, starting swim lessons and tutoring summer. I think we are ready for summer to bring it!

Yep we're ready!
(Riley's poor bruised legs!! Just one of the reasons I hate Cerebral Palsy!)
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