
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Half Empty

I am always a glass more then half full kinda girl. I always look on the bright side or for the silver lining. But every now and then a girls just gotta be grumpy! That's me tonight!

I HATE seizures!!! Even little ones are so freakin scary! I will never get used to watching Riley have one as I stand there helplessly watching and praying like I did tonight! I HATE them!

When we were getting out of the car tonight, I was holding my purse, two backpacks, two coats, a stuffed animal, a plate of food for Nana, my keys AND Riley! And wouldn't you know Keagan asked me to carry her shoes cause they were too heavy!! For the love!

On Memorial Day we left the house early with a little bit of a mess, which I try not to do. We didn't get home until after dinner. When we walked in Keagan immediately said "ahhhh mom!! Why didn't you clean up this mess?!" Oh maybe because I just took you all around town for a fun day! I'm so terribly sorry I can't be in two places at once and doing things for you in both of them!

Riley is not cooperating with me very much lately. The little angel baby's halo is tarnished! She just doesn't want to do what I really need her to do! She doesn't like to walk where I need her to, like in a store. And she really doesn't like getting in the car half the time. So she stands there with her arms folded across her chest staring strongly back at me as I attempt bribery, trickery and threats. Once I ever so gently coerce her, she lets me and anyone within 200 yards know she is not happy. Two days ago she was literally yelling at me! She was lunging at me and almost growling because I wouldn't let her wear her Sofia costume to school! It's great that being non verbal doesn't prevent her from yelling at me. I totally understand that it's an age appropriate thing so I should be happy. But most times it doesn't make me even in the tiniest bit happy!

So there ya have it folks. The rare grumpy post of all my woes this week. Let's see what tomorrow holds. I'm hopin for a silver lining cause I could sure use one!


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