But at the same time, it’s been a little bit of an emotional week and a half, mostly for me but some what for the little munchkins too. We are all pretty exhausted with trying to get back into the school schedule after a great summer so that doesn’t help much. But along with the pit in my stomach that this is the last year the girls and I will be at the same school, it was also the 12th anniversary of Pakka passing away which was definitely a hard one for me, the last time Todd will give the girls our traditional back to school blessings because they are moving, and a sweet little friend passed away who has polymicrogyria like Riley. Plus we dealt with frustrating car repairs that I really can not afford, the AC going out during a heat advisory, an inconveniently timed flooded bathroom, and discussions of stressful life changes around here. So there have been lots more tears in the last 10 days then there was all summer! Add too that a serious spike in tantrums from Miss Riley who never wants to change her clothes, eat anything healthy or leave the house and Keagans frustration with that, it sure has been interesting!

But despite all of that, or maybe as a result of all that, the girls and I got together and formed TEAM KIKUCHI! Our team consists of me, Keagan, Riley and Heavenly Father and we purposefully decided our team is going to have an incredible year! We picked a focus scripture and have “team huddles” every morning and every night when we say our family prayer. Best team I have ever been on in my entire life! Together we can not lose!
5th grade started out with Meet the Teacher on Thursday before school. Keagan has 3 great teachers this year including her home room teacher Mrs Olivo, Mrs Fields and Mrs Espinoza. Riley has the same amazing teacher this year, Mrs Acosta and great aides Miss Tonna and Miss Allison. But Riley will probably get more aides soon as her class doubled in size and they have their hands full!
On the night before school we had such a fun family dinner at the French’s with the Fosters. Sweet Keagan made the funeral potato’s, one of our family’s favorites! We laughed thru dinner and then had our traditional Todd giving all the kids back to school priesthood blessings. The blessings were wonderful of course but this year they were hard for me because they were the last as the Fosters are moving. I will miss this tradition so much but I’m so grateful for the many times Todd blessed us in this way! That same night we finished the last of our school prep with mani/pedis at home and then frantically dealt with the worst timing bathroom flood that came thru Nanas ceiling! We survived!
The first day of school went great! Both girls were SO excited in the morning and just as thrilled by 3:30pm. We woke up early to curl Keagans hair and she was decked out in her favorite color turquoise! She had a turquoise dress, back pack, lunch kit, water bottle, pencil box, binder, finger nails and toes! Miss Riley also looked gorgeous in the dress she picked and the best smile at that school! She absolutely loved and is now obsessed with her new booties and ended up wearing a dress the first 3 days of school so she could wear them! Her back pack and lunch kit are Anna and Elsa themed this year.
With one of our faves! Coach Fox
Rare family photo that I LOVE!
Had to make sure to get a pic with her homeroom teacher Mrs Olivo since we forgot at Meet the Teacher!
With more of our faves! Noah and Phoebe
These girls are getting so old!
She is SO happy to be in class with Avery for the 4th year in a row!
Keagan wrote a cute journal entry in the first day and we did our surveys to put in our school book like always! I love seeing what the girls pick to record and even their cute handwriting and Keagans spelling due to her dyslexia.
And finally, just look at this comparison of their first day of Kindergarten versus their first day of 5th grade! It happened so fast but I was SO blessed to have a front row seat to all of it! And blessed to celebrate another milestone with the two most amazing little humans!
I’m not thrilled that this last year of the three of us being at the same school is here. But I really am looking forward to enjoying all the fun ahead! I just know TEAM KIKUCHI is going to have a fantastic year! We’ve had a few tears and lots of huddles about it already. So now let’s do it!
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