Thursday night was open house at the girls school. While we were there, I met the parents of a friend of Keagans for the first time. I was standing there with both my precious girls who clearly heard our conversation when the not to be named mom said “you know the good thing is Riley really looks like she is ALMOST NORMAL! I mean besides the drool you can’t really tell.”

Keagans selfie explanation of herself. It says kind, funny, helpful, caring, loving, creative. She nailed it!

Also at school the girls are both loving the Scottie choir every Tuesday morning and seeing their art hung in the halls!

Even though some days it feels like we spend a big chunk of our time inside those Mahaffey walls, we’ve also had great times outside of them as well. I’m talking play dates with Avery where the girls made up the best dances and one where they made dinner, Activity Day Girls activities about nutrition and Keagan crashing yet another young women’s activity with an awesome photo bomb.

And the fun doesn’t stop! Keags continues to try to recreate the kids baking challenges at home, she did a real science experiment this week, and last Sunday she made us all breakfast! Last week at the end of Family Home Evening when we got the Jenga game out to play she said “I think you better start calling me by my full name Keagan Jenga Master Warrior Kikuchi!” And she got VERY exciting news this week about her role in her musical “Elf Jr.!” She got the role of Jovie which is one of the leads and she is SO excited!
Yep. She said that! And aren’t you so proud of me that I didn’t punch her straight in the face? To be honest, later that night I briefly regretted not doing so! But instead I responded with “oh who wants to be normal because that’s so boring! She is SO amazing being exactly who she is! And actually none of us (referring to the three Kikuchi girls) are normal and we like it that way!” She didn’t have much of a response and we walked away in order to not ruin our night. Open house is serious business after all.
We moved on with our night and had a great time. But as soon as we were safely in the car, after saying she wants to be just like Mrs Mason and Mrs Hernandez when she grows up, a loving Keagan said “hey mom, don’t worry I don’t really like (that girl) anyway. She’s not a very nice person.” And we proceeded to have a great conversation about just how ignorant some people can be and how our words have power. That of course was followed up at home with three things. One was a ridiculous amount of hugs and kisses for both girls before bed. Another, once both girls were peacefully asleep, was tears from a momma who wishes she could shield both her babies from any ugly in the world. And eventually relief in knowing those same babies have lots of love in their life to combat that ugly!
Despite the hurtful and ignorant comment, open house on Thursday was great. Keagan got a little overwhelmed by the 4th grade STAAR test samples but was releived to realize her teachers will prepare her. And as usual, both girls of course loved seeing lots of friends and staff that they love.
That was after the night before where we saw a lot of the same people at spirit night at Spring Creek BBQ. We sure love Mrs Goolsbee and Trey!
Keagans selfie explanation of herself. It says kind, funny, helpful, caring, loving, creative. She nailed it!
Also at school the girls are both loving the Scottie choir every Tuesday morning and seeing their art hung in the halls!
Even though some days it feels like we spend a big chunk of our time inside those Mahaffey walls, we’ve also had great times outside of them as well. I’m talking play dates with Avery where the girls made up the best dances and one where they made dinner, Activity Day Girls activities about nutrition and Keagan crashing yet another young women’s activity with an awesome photo bomb.
And the fun doesn’t stop! Keags continues to try to recreate the kids baking challenges at home, she did a real science experiment this week, and last Sunday she made us all breakfast! Last week at the end of Family Home Evening when we got the Jenga game out to play she said “I think you better start calling me by my full name Keagan Jenga Master Warrior Kikuchi!” And she got VERY exciting news this week about her role in her musical “Elf Jr.!” She got the role of Jovie which is one of the leads and she is SO excited!
Riley is thriving in her class with her new teacher Mrs Acosta and she ready for baseball season to start. But she is becoming more and more of a home body and wants to stay home whenever possible. It seems her favorite thing to do lately is sit in her high chair to snack and watch tv. She cracks me up when I seriously have to force her to get out and play! She has also traded in her showers for long baths full of princess toys and she is beginning to sleep in a tiny bit more on the weekends. Sounds like she’s becoming more like her momma and I love it!
Besides all of the above, last weekend the three of us made the house so cute and decorated for Halloween and the big double digit birthday party is officially planned. In other words we are busy having so much fun that not only do hurtful comments not have time to really hurt but we are happy as can be being everything but normal!
By the way, what the heck is normal anyway?!
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