Everyday from 10-3 the girls were doted on and entertained with exciting stuff at the gorgeous and ginormous Woodlands United Methodist Church. Everyday they had story time, song and dance time, games, lunch, a craft and special guests. They also played on the awesome playground, did a scavenger hunt and built a giant fort. The special guests were a music therapist with tons of instruments, a dancer, the snake man with 8 snakes, Crocodile encounter with small alligators and crocodiles, Nature Discovery Center with turtles, lizards and exotic plants, fireman with their truck, a policeman with his car, and a clown!
They each had a college age buddy to help them throughout the week. Riley's was Brooklyn and Keagan's was Hallie. They were both so sweet and so helpful! There were also about 12 other cute kids there and a bunch of awesome volunteers, interns and Easter Seals employees.
After the first day we got in the car and Keagan said "mommy I didn't like it. I LOVED it!" She also told me all about her friend Noah and this silly momma asked her "is Noah special needs or a sibling?" Well shame on me for asking and thank heavens I have a smart daughter that set me straight! Keagan responded "mommy I don't know! And I don't care!" Out of the mouths of babes!
On the last day of camp there was an awards ceremony. Keagan was presented with the "Most Couragous Dancing Queen" award for doing the Whip in front of the whole camp! And Riley received the "Star Performer" award for dancing, smiling and being happy all week. They also received their T-shirts and cute scrapbooks they made with all their pictures. Some of which I had to take a picture of here to include on the blog.
Camp Buckaroo will definitely be our yearly summer tradition now! All three of us will count down til next year!

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